Interactive Installation . Creative Coding . Visual Music
This piece of work is an interactive installation. It uses a combination of geometry and music, which comes to life with human interaction. It is made of a midi-controller and 12 LEDs that are worked into a sculpture made from mirrors. The notes that people play are transformed into strips of light by the midi-controller. The LEDs are assembled according to geometrical calculations, which, combined with their reflections, create platonic volumes. With this piece of work, people can stand behind the midi-controller and play their desirable tunes and see their music take the form of geometrical lights.
Special thanks to: Hamed Soltannejad, Amirali Piroozbakhsh and Shahin Ketabi
TADAEX | Dec 2016 | Tehran, Iran
MFI was my first installation. I wanted to use the geometric forms that I’ve already used in Motion on Beats project, to make an installation and bring that forms into life. I wanted them to be interactive to human being. At that time, I had just started to learn Arduino.
from the beginning I wanted to help people feel the joy even for a few minutes. That is actually my motivation behind almost all of my works.
I thought what if I could make those shapes with the help of mirror. I decided to use lights and mirror to make the shape and I came up with this :
from the beginning I wanted to help people feel the joy even for a few minutes. That is actually my motivation behind almost all of my works.
I thought what if I could make those shapes with the help of mirror. I decided to use lights and mirror to make the shape and I came up with this :

The shape with mirror

The shape without mirror
At first I wanted to use laser. but it was so expensive and I needed to make the place full of smoke and that was impossible because the place that I wanted to carry out my installation was my university. So I decided to use LEDs. Because I was using mirror, My LEDs had to be like cylinders or any other shape that is the same in every face, so the picture we saw in the mirror exactly resembled the shape itself. I could’t find anything like that, so I decided to make it myself. For each of them I used 2 LED strips and attached them from the back together and put it in the cylindrical plexiglass.

I launched this installation twice. First for university and next for Tadaex06. The first one was with Arduino. but because of Arduino limitations, I had to have computer beside it to read midi controllers data and then send it to Arduino. But for my second launch, I decided to remove the laptop from my system so I had to use Rasperry Pie instead of Arduino. The time was very short and it was all new for me so I did this part with the help of one of my friends who was familiar with Rasperrypie.

Gallery Mohsen

Tehran University of Art
it was so fascinating to see people play their desirable notes with music and became astonished with the shapes they were making with the help of the mirror. Although it had some imperfections, in general I liked it and received extremely positive feedbacks. I also learned a lot in the process which in my opinion is the most important part of every project.